Tomorrow’s Capital Region – Property Council Australia

Canberra is bursting at the seams – and our nation’s capital is fast becoming the heart and hub of an emerging Capital Region of one million people, bringing together a diverse group of innovative, creative and productive industries. 
Hear from one of Australia’s leading demographers, Simon Kuestenmacher, on the greater Canberra, and what we should expect from the population that is yet to move in. 
Our panel discussion will canvas how government and the private sector are tapping into the region’s natural strengths and building a complementary blend of economic, cultural and infrastructure investments that stretch beyond the government grey. 
What’s missing, and what needs to be considered for the next four years to make this region an even greater place to live?  
With local government elections across New South Wales in September, and Territory expected on or before 19 October, insights from this breakfast will present a unique frame for considering the region’s priorities, trends and requirements. 


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