Brush & Bond: the networking event for CALD women inspiring creativity and connection | HerCanberra

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Making new friends in a new city is never easy, especially if you’ve also moved countries.

That’s why Nida Khan founded Spectra Events – and why she launched Canberra’s first networking event for professional South Asian women.

On a mission to inspire and connect locals through carefully curated events, after moving to Canberra 10 years ago Nida realised that there was a need for a space dedicated to fostering community engagement and personal growth.

Her solution? Creating and running networking events aimed at Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) women in Canberra.

“Canberra has been my home for the past 10 years, and it’s a place I’ve grown to love deeply. But as I settled into this beautiful city, I realised there was a need for more opportunities where people could come together, connect, and build meaningful relationships,” she says.

“Recognising the diversity within our beautiful city, I believe it’s crucial to host events that cater to the varied tastes and interests of our multicultural communities.”

Launching her first event in June – which brought together over 50 South Asian professional women, entrepreneurs, and business owners for a night of networking and engaging in conversations that celebrated womanhood  – Nida wants to continue to create a strong community for like-minded women and is excited to announce her next event: Brush & Bond.

Offering a welcoming space for attendees to express themselves through art while connecting with others, Nida says that the idea of Brush & Bond is for women to enjoy the therapeutic benefits of painting while building new friendships and expanding their network in a supportive environment.

“This gathering will bring women together for a creative painting session designed to promote mental health and relaxation, followed by one-on-one networking opportunities,” she says.

“We will also hear from experts on the importance of creative outlets in fostering well-being and community connections.”

Running from 12 pm until 4 pm on Sunday 29 September at Pinot & Picasso in Belconnen, you don’t need any artistic experience to attend – just a desire to build meaningful connections with like-minded women while unleashing your creative side and enjoying some good food.

Empowering, uplifting, and celebrating the success and contributions of CALD women, Nida has many more events planned for the future – and like the community itself, they’re vibrant, diverse and fun.

“My mission for Spectra Events isn’t just about organising gatherings – it’s about creating platforms that enhance community ties, celebrates diversity, and encourage personal and professional development.”

“My commitment to building a connected and vibrant community is evident from the last event and I’m eager to continue this journey, bringing even more opportunities for connection and growth to the people of Canberra.”


What: Brush & Bond
Sunday 29 September, 12 pm – 4 pm
Pinot & Picasso Belconnen, 54 Benjamin Way, Belconnen
Tickets + more information:

Feature image via @spectraevents.cbr.


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