A Comprehensive Overview of Key Events in the Russia-Ukraine War on Day 631

A Comprehensive Overview of Key Events in the Russia-Ukraine War on Day 631
A Comprehensive Overview of Key Events in the Russia-Ukraine War on Day 631

Latest Updates on the Ongoing War

Stay informed with the latest developments on the war as it enters its 631st day.


  • Russian troops have confirmed that Ukrainian forces have crossed the Dnipro River into Russian-occupied parts of southern Kherson. This move has prompted Russia to deploy additional assets to the area. Ukraine, against all odds, has secured a foothold on the eastern bank of the Dnipro.
  • In a devastating attack, four Russian missiles struck the town of Selydove, resulting in two deaths and at least three injuries. The missiles targeted apartment buildings and private homes.
  • Tragedy struck in the Zaporizhia region as two rescue workers lost their lives and seven others were injured due to Russian shelling. The attack occurred while the emergency service members were responding to an initial assault.
  • A Ukrainian civic group has confirmed the deaths of nearly 25,000 Ukrainian soldiers since Russia’s full-scale invasion began in February 2022. These casualties include both combat and non-combat deaths. The Ukrainian government treats this information as a state secret to protect its war efforts.
Two people were killed and seven injured after an apartment block was badly damaged in a Russian missile attack on the eastern town of Selydove [Anatolii Stepanov/AFP]

Politics and Diplomacy

  • The European Commission has proposed a ban on imports of diamonds and liquid petroleum gas from Russia, along with stricter implementation of a price cap on Russian oil. This proposal is part of the EU’s 12th package of sanctions against Moscow, which requires unanimous backing from all 27 EU states.
  • Russia’s foreign ministry has labeled the sanctions package as part of a “hybrid war” waged by Western countries, led by the United States. According to Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian foreign ministry, the EU has become Washington’s “useful idiot”.
  • Hungary’s European affairs minister, Janos Boka, has called for a period of reflection and strategic discussion regarding the EU’s policy towards Ukraine. Hungary will not support any EU decisions to advance Ukraine’s accession process or provide further aid until this discussion takes place. Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has close ties to Moscow, believes that the bloc’s current strategy has failed.
  • A trial has begun for Darya Trepova, a Russian woman accused of “terrorism” for the assassination of military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky. Prosecutors claim that Trepova acted under orders from Ukraine and collaborated with anti-Kremlin activists. Tatarsky, a staunch supporter of the Russian invasion, was killed in a cafe explosion. Over 50 others were injured in the incident.
  • The wife of prominent Russian opposition politician Vladimir Kara-Murza, who is serving a 25-year jail sentence for treason and spreading “false information” about Russia’s war in Ukraine, expressed concerns for his life in the Siberian penal colony. Kara-Murza, who has survived two poison attacks, requires regular exercise and medication to manage his nerve disorder. His wife believes that the current conditions in his cell, measuring only 3 x 1.5 meters, are torturous and will worsen his medical condition.
Darya Trepova standing in a glass-walled dock in a military court in St Petersburg. There are soldiers keeping guard.
Darya Trepova is charged with terrorist offenses over the killing of Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky [Dmitri Lovetsky/AP Photo]


  • Russian state arms exporter Rosoboronexport has reported a significant increase in interest from overseas buyers for its Lancet drone. However, due to the high demand within Russian armed forces, the weapon will not be exported. The Lancet drone has proven its effectiveness in real combat operations in Ukraine.

Author’s Perspective

“The ongoing war continues to bring devastating consequences for both Ukraine and Russia. The escalating violence and loss of life demand immediate attention from the international community. It is crucial for diplomatic efforts to intensify and for all parties involved to prioritize peace and stability in the region.”

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