Australia Next to pick up the Dreamtime baton in Cairns in 2024 – CMW

Australia Next to pick up the Dreamtime baton in Cairns in 2024 – CMW
Australia Next to pick up the Dreamtime baton in Cairns in 2024 – CMW

Global business events planners are set to return to Australia in 2024 for Australia Tourism’s flagship incentives showcase which is rebranding from Dreamtime to Australia Next.

The 2023 showcase has just wrapped in Adelaide and had traditionally been a bi-annual event before Covid. Now Tropical North Queensland is set to host in 2024, as Australia aims to rebuild a strong pipeline of international business events.

At the conclusion of Dreamtime 2023 in Adelaide, it was announced Cairns would be the host city for the inaugural Australia Next. The name aligns with Australia Tourism’s bespoke magazine for incentive planners.

Tourism Australia managing director, Phillipa Harrison, said to help fast track the Australian business events industry’s recovery, international incentive planners will be hosted in Australia in consecutive years, with the showcase retuning to every two years after 2025.

“After having the event on hold for four years we are so pleased Dreamtime has returned in 2023, giving us the opportunity to welcome international business events planners and media back to Australia, Harrison said.

“The event in Adelaide, and the programme of familiarisations around the country, have provided the visiting qualified buyers and media the chance to see first-hand some of the new product which has  come online over the past two years.

“We know there is so much more for the international buyers to see around the country, so it is great our signature business events showcase will return once again in 2024.

“The leads generated from Dreamtime in Adelaide this year and Australia Next in the future will drive real business outcomes which will play a more important role than ever before as we rebuild a strong pipeline of international business events.”

Tourism Australia’s executive general manager of Commercial and Business Events Australia, Robin Mack, said the signature business events showcase will be crucial to get the Australian business events industry back to where it was in 2019.

“The return of Dreamtime in Adelaide this year and Australia Next in the future will help the business events industry to once again attract more than a million visitors a year to our country, contributing $4.5bn,” he said.

“We thank our host partner Business Events Adelaide for making sure the first Dreamtime in four years was one to remember and we look forward to working with Business Events Cairns & Great Barrier Reef to make Australia Next in 2024 just as memorable.”

Speaking about next year’s event, Tourism Tropical North Queensland said it was proud to be the host partner for Australia Next in 2024 in Cairns, with support from Tourism and Events Queensland.

“We look forward to showcasing our natural assets, First Nations culture and unique offsite venues to incentive buyers from around the world where they will connect with our locals to create great incentive programmes,” said Mark Olsen, CEO, Tourism Tropical North Queensland.


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