Assessing the Impact of the Yes Campaign’s Arrival in the NT

Assessing the Impact of the Yes Campaign’s Arrival in the NT
Assessing the Impact of the Yes Campaign’s Arrival in the NT

The Yes Campaign for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament Visits the Northern Territory

The Yes campaign for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament made its first official visit to the Northern Territory on Wednesday, holding events in Darwin and Alice Springs. The campaign aims to engage with Indigenous people and ensure that they feel represented in the movement.

Key Points:

  • The Yes campaign held events in Darwin and Alice Springs on Wednesday.
  • Campaign leaders emphasize the importance of a Yes vote in the territory due to its high Indigenous population.
  • Votes in the NT and ACT will count differently from states in the referendum.

Campaign director Dean Parkin highlighted the significant investment made into campaigning in the NT, despite the voting power differences for those living in territories compared to states. He emphasized the importance of engaging with Indigenous people and making them feel included in the campaign.

In Alice Springs, co-chair Rachel Perkins expressed the significance of a Yes vote in the region, stating that politicians often talk about the lives of Indigenous people without truly listening to their voices. The Indigenous Voice to Parliament would provide an opportunity for their voices to be heard.

The No campaign, represented by Fair Australia, also has a presence in the NT. While official No campaign events in the territory are yet to be confirmed, on-the-ground campaigning is currently underway.

Rise in Demand for Remote Information Sessions

The Yes campaign leaders have partnered with the NT’s four Aboriginal land councils to deliver their message to remote communities. These information sessions, conducted in languages such as Pitjantjatjara and Warlpiri, aim to inform and engage people in these communities. The Central Land Council has experienced a high demand for these sessions and plans to hold more as the referendum date approaches.

Chief executive of the Central Land Council, Les Turner, stated that the meetings involve presenting information verbally and answering questions. Some remote communities have even requested a second round of sessions to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate.

Author’s Quote: “We are committed to engaging with Indigenous people and making sure that they feel like this is their campaign.” – Dean Parkin

Author’s Conclusion: The Yes campaign’s visit to the Northern Territory highlights the importance of engaging with Indigenous communities and ensuring their voices are heard. The campaign aims to address the lack of representation and provide an opportunity for Indigenous people to have a say in matters that affect them. With a rise in demand for remote information sessions, efforts are being made to reach out to remote communities and inform them about the Indigenous Voice to Parliament.

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