The Geelong Classic Truck and Machinery Show achieves remarkable success

The Geelong Classic Truck and Machinery Show achieves remarkable success
The Geelong Classic Truck and Machinery Show achieves remarkable success

Geelong Classic Truck and Machinery Show Attracts Thousands of Visitors

The Geelong Classic Truck and Machinery Show in Victoria kicked off the trucking events for the year with a bang after the Christmas break. Show organiser Steven Moore reported that over 2,500 people attended the event at the Geelong Showgrounds on January 13 and 14. The strong family crowd and variety of attractions made it a fun-filled weekend for all.

A Variety of Attractions for All Ages

The event featured a large display of classic trucks, tractors, cars, and machinery. Model clubs and hobby displays added to the variety of entertainment options. Children were particularly thrilled with the different activities available, and families found it difficult to leave as they were captivated by the exhibits all day long.

Image: Truckspotting Ararat.

A Show of Excellence

More than 100 trucks were showcased at the event, with truckies traveling from various parts of Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, and Tasmania. Show organiser Steven Moore emphasized that the event is not a competition but rather a gathering and celebration of the trucking community. All vehicles, whether original or modified, were recognized for their unique qualities and contribution to the industry.

Image: Truckspotting Ararat.

A Tradition of Growth and Fun

Steven Moore, who has chaired the organising committee for the Geelong Classic Truck and Machinery Show for 12 years, shared the evolution of the event. Initially focused on engines and trailers, the show expanded to include trucks and hobby groups to provide a more diverse experience. Moore expressed his excitement for next year’s event and the joy it brings to the community.

Image: Truckspotting Ararat.

Website Author’s Quote: “A Celebration of Trucks and Community”

“At first it was just engines and trailers, and then we thought about how we could grow it. That’s when we introduced the trucks and brought in hobby groups to fill the place up and add variety. I think the public really enjoyed themselves this year, and we got some really positive feedback. I’m looking forward to doing it all again next year – there would be some very long faces if we didn’t!” – Steven Moore, Show Organiser

Website Author’s Conclusion: A Fun-Filled Weekend for Truck Enthusiasts

The Geelong Classic Truck and Machinery Show proved to be a successful event, attracting thousands of visitors and showcasing a wide range of vehicles and machinery. The strong family attendance and positive feedback highlight the event’s appeal to people of all ages. With its tradition of growth and celebration of the trucking community, the show promises to continue delighting attendees in the years to come.

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