2024 Queanbeyan Palerang Reconciliation Walk – Reconciliation Australia

2024 Queanbeyan Palerang Reconciliation Walk – Reconciliation Australia
2024 Queanbeyan Palerang Reconciliation Walk – Reconciliation Australia

Each year, QPRC holds a large and symbolic walk for reconciliation, which involves all of the schools across the Queanbeyan Palerang region, along with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elders and the broader community. The walk takes place from Queens Bridge, along Monaro St and ends with an official ceremony in Queanbeyan town park.

This year the walk is being held on Tuesday 28 May. We will gather at Marj Christian Park in Trinculo Place, Queanbeyan at 9:30am. The walk will finish at the sunken gardens at Queanbeyan Park (cnr Campbell & Lowe St).

Source: reconciliation.org.au

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