Toowoomba hosts community safety public forum – Queensland Police News

Toowoomba hosts community safety public forum – Queensland Police News
Toowoomba hosts community safety public forum – Queensland Police News

Update: The Queensland Police Service advises tickets to the community safety forum have now sold out, however the event will be livstreamed via

A community safety public forum hosted by the Queensland Police Service (QPS) and Department of Youth Justice will be held this Wednesday, February 15, at 7pm at Toowoomba’s Armitage Centre within the Empire Theatres Precinct to discuss crime.

Representatives from the QPS including Commissioner Katarina Carroll, Acting Deputy Commissioner Mark Wheeler and Darling Downs District Officer Superintendent Doug McDonald with Youth Justice will provide presentations to the audience.

After these presentations, members of the audience will have an opportunity to raise their concerns, ask questions, discuss their ideas and provide suggestions of the various representatives in attendance.

Community members who would like to ask questions prior to, during and after the event will be able to via SLIDO and are encouraged to indicate who it is directed to for example Education, Youth Justice and/or Queensland Police.

The SLIDO link can be accessed here –

Copy and paste the above link into your web browser and follow the instructions.

SLIDO code #1840268

Seating for the forum is limited, so tickets will be released via the Evenbrite platform:

For those who are not able to attend, we endeavour to provide a live stream of the forum with further details to be provided on how this can be done.


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