Toowoomba Regional Council: Event Support Grant Program (Australia) – fundsforNGOs

economic prosperity and social wellbeing of the broader community

  • Regional events 
    • To encourage and support a range of events across the region that celebrate the character of the local community and provide substantial social benefit along with the reasonable economic prosperity to the community at large.
  • Community events 
    • To encourage and support a range of events across the region that capture the imagination and attention of the community and provide fun-filled exciting entertainment programs where entry is open to the public to attend free of charge or at a subsidized rate.
  • Funding Information
    • Major events: Over $10,000
    • Regional events: Up to $1,500 to $10,000
    • Community events: Up to $1,500
    • Council seeks the following outcomes from the Event Support Grant Program:
      • The generation of community pride, celebration of place and social activity through the provision of arts, cultural, recreational, leisure and educational events.
      • Benefits to disadvantaged/vulnerable groups by the development of opportunities for women and girls, people with disabilities, people from diverse cultural backgrounds, (including Indigenous Australians, older Australians, young people and people at risk).
      • Benefits to the region’s economy.
      • Cost efficient initiatives.
      • The betterment/sustainability of established events.
      • Increased leverage for community groups to gain additional funds from various funding agencies.
      • Opportunities to sustain the environment.
      • Support for the needs of regional communities.
    Eligible Projects
    • Priority will be given to applications that include one of the following initiatives:
      • development of new events possessing the potential to becoming regular events
      • development and revitalisation of an established event
      • enhancement of the professional delivery to economically sustain an event
      • social interaction within an isolated community.
    Eligibility Criteria
    • Organisations can apply for an Event Support Grant if:
      • The organisation is an eligible community organisation or is under the auspices of an eligible community organisation as defined in the Community Grants Policy.
      • The organisation operates or provides services within the Toowoomba Regional Council area or be able to demonstrate that economic and social benefits arising from the event will be directed to and benefit the local community.
      • The organisation has an Australian Business Number (ABN).
      • The application is for a project that does not form part of the core business of public and private educational institutions (primary, secondary and tertiary including Parents & Citizens and Parents & Friends Associations) and demonstrates broader community benefit.
    • The following, would not be eligible to apply:
      • Individuals.
      • For-profit companies, Trusts and other organisations.
      • Government, semi-government organisations and statutory authorities.
      • Unions and student guilds.
      • Research foundations.
      • Professional associations.
      • An organisation that has been granted approval for support through a Toowoomba Regional Council funding program for the same project.

    For more information, visit Toowoomba Regional Council.


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