Exclusive Travel Apps Gaining Popularity Among Remote and Hybrid Workers

Exclusive Travel Apps Gaining Popularity Among Remote and Hybrid Workers
Exclusive Travel Apps Gaining Popularity Among Remote and Hybrid Workers

Work and Travel: Exploring New Destinations While Working Remotely

Are you a game theme lover over 21 years old who dreams of traveling the world while still being able to work? Well, we have some exciting news for you! A new trend is emerging that allows professionals to combine their jobs with travel more easily than ever before. Thanks to exclusive membership-based accommodation platforms like HomeExchange, Behomm, and Kindred, remote and hybrid workers around the world are finding ways to make their travel dreams a reality.

A Different Take on the Workcation

House-swapping isn’t a new concept, but these exclusive membership-based accommodation apps are taking it to a whole new level. HomeExchange, the longest-standing platform in the industry, offers its members the opportunity to swap homes with others around the world. For a reasonable annual fee of $220, members can plan exchanges without having to pay for accommodations, allowing them to maximize their annual leave and experience new destinations without breaking the bank.

Behomm, on the other hand, caters specifically to creatives and lovers of design. With a rigorous selection process, only 20-30% of applicants are accepted into this invitation-only community. For an annual fee of 380€, members gain access to over 2,000 well-designed homes across the globe. Joana Fins Faria, an interior designer and artist, has traveled to 18 different cities in Europe through Behomm, drawing inspiration from the homes she stays in and expanding her network of fellow creatives.

If you’re looking for a more affordable option, Kindred might be the platform for you. Launched in April 2022, there is no cost for membership. Instead, members pay a small service fee upon booking a trip. Justine Palefsky, the co-founder and CEO of Kindred, describes these trips as “lifestyle travel”—not quite a vacation, not quite a business trip. Many working professionals eager to take advantage of their remote or hybrid workplace policies are flocking to Kindred to fulfill their travel desires.

Real Stories from Remote Workers

These platforms have opened up a world of possibilities for remote workers who want to explore new destinations while still being able to fulfill their professional obligations. Sarah Cowie, a policy manager based in Edinburgh, has used HomeExchange to work from Amsterdam, London, and Bucharest. She describes the experience as reinvigorating, adding excitement to her work routine. Ruth Campbell, a social worker based in Oakland, California, has also been able to maintain her love for travel while working remotely. She praises the financial flexibility that these platforms offer, allowing her to stay in different locations for extended periods without breaking the bank.


If you’re a game theme lover over 21 years old who dreams of combining work and travel, these exclusive membership-based accommodation platforms are here to make your dreams come true. Whether you choose HomeExchange, Behomm, or Kindred, you’ll have the opportunity to explore new destinations while still being able to fulfill your professional obligations. So why wait? Start planning your next workcation today!

About the Author: [Author Name]

“As a game theme lover myself, I understand the desire to explore new destinations while still being able to work. That’s why I created this article to inform fellow game theme enthusiasts about the exciting trend of combining work and travel through exclusive membership-based accommodation platforms. Don’t let your job hold you back from experiencing the world—embrace the freedom of remote work and start your own workcation adventure!”

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