Canberra Supercars Rejected, but Still Holding On

Canberra Supercars Rejected, but Still Holding On
Canberra Supercars Rejected, but Still Holding On

Supercars’ Return to Canberra Hits Roadblock

Supercars’ plans to make a comeback in Canberra have been dealt a blow as the proposal for a new event in the city was rejected by Australian Capital Territory Chief Minister, Andrew Barr.

A consortium, led by Turcin Avis and including Russell Avis and Andy Philpott, has been in talks with the ACT government and Supercars for several years to bring the race back to the capital. Canberra previously hosted a street race from 2000 to 2002.

The proposal aimed to utilize the EPIC (Exhibition Park In Canberra) in the suburb of Watson, which is currently undergoing significant government investment. EPIC is already a venue for various events, including Summernats and Rally Canberra in 2000.

However, Barr stated that the proposal did not meet the necessary requirements and would require a substantial investment from the government to make the race viable. The original Canberra Supercars street race received $4.5 million in funding from the ACT Government.

Turcin Avis remains hopeful, stating that the event is “not dead yet” and believes it could become cost-neutral within three years. They had planned to leverage existing commitments for road network upgrades and improvements to the Exhibition Park facility.

The rejection comes at a time when there have been calls for more Supercars events, with only 12 rounds scheduled for the 2023 season. Drivers and commentators have expressed a desire for more seat-time, highlighting the recent successes of Shane van Gisbergen, Chaz Mostert, and Brodie Kostecki in other racing series.

Mark Skaife and Former CEO Support Canberra Race

Mark Skaife, a prominent figure in Supercars, has joined the chorus advocating for more Supercars events, including a race in Canberra. He expressed his enthusiasm for expanding to every state and territory during a broadcast at the Tasmania Supercars round.

Former Supercars CEO, Sean Seamer, also publicly supported a race in the ACT, stating that it was on the “medium-term horizon” for Supercars and that he was “dead keen” on making it happen.

Website Author’s Quote: “Supercars’ Return to Canberra: A Missed Opportunity”

According to the website author, the rejection of the proposal for a Supercars race in Canberra is a missed opportunity. They believe that the event could have brought in millions of dollars and deserved a more thorough consideration. Despite the setback, there is still hope for a future race in the capital.

Website Author’s Conclusion: Keep the Supercars Spirit Alive

As fans of Supercars, it’s disappointing to see the setback in bringing the race back to Canberra. However, it’s important to keep the spirit of Supercars alive and continue advocating for more events across Australia. With the support of drivers, commentators, and fans, we can work towards expanding the Supercars calendar and bringing the excitement of racing to every corner of the country.

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