2023: Allan Sefton Memorial Lecture – University of Wollongong – UOW

2023: Allan Sefton Memorial Lecture – University of Wollongong – UOW
2023: Allan Sefton Memorial Lecture – University of Wollongong – UOW

In this talk, Professor Bergstrom will look at the current human footprint in Antarctica which is collectively small compared to the size of the continent but found mostly in areas used by wildlife. As Antarctic research has an environment impact, it poses the difficult question of whether the carbon footprint and environmental damage caused by the scientific machinery is worthwhile in comparison to the resulting increase in human knowledge.

The Allan Sefton Memorial Lecture is held annually and is named in honour of the late Allan Sefton, who was well-known as a naturalist and conservator of the environment.

Source: uow.edu.au

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