18,000 Australians sign onto BetStop in first six months, with majority of early adopters under 40

18,000 Australians sign onto BetStop in first six months, with majority of early adopters under 40
18,000 Australians sign onto BetStop in first six months, with majority of early adopters under 40

to ban gambling advertising within three years.

The government has faced sustained questioning as to how it plans to respond to the report.

“We’re obviously taking what was a very important House of Representatives report seriously,” Ms Rishworth said.

“There were many recommendations – I think there were 32 recommendations, advertising was one of those recommendations.

“To respond in a fulsome way, we need to take our time to do that.”

The federal government has also banned the use of credit cards for online gambling, and enforced more detailed taglines on gambling advertising.

Source: abc.net.au

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