SkyCity shares dive on New Zealand casino license suspension threat

SkyCity shares dive on New Zealand casino license suspension threat
SkyCity shares dive on New Zealand casino license suspension threat

The company said the potential suspension would not impact non-gaming operations such as hotels and restaurants. A decision could take months.

Andy Bowley, head of research at Forsyth Barr, said a 10-day suspension could impact revenue by about $NZ13 million ($12 million) and EBITDA by $NZ7 million. “We believe SkyCity’s share price includes a material regulatory discount, including the prospect of regulatory intervention in New Zealand. This news reinforces the basis of the regulatory discount.”

A licence suspension adds to existing headwinds facing SkyCity, which last month sets aside $45 million for a potential AUSTRAC penalty and is fighting investment giant in court over the value of a fire-damaged carpark at the New Zealand International Convention Centre. Its provision announcement coincided with a $45.6 million write-down of the Adelaide casino licence, which is facing its own regulatory action.

AUSTRAC, Australia’s financial crimes agency, has alleged “serious noncompliance” with anti-money laundering laws and claimed the company allowed 59 suspicious patrons to churn more than $4 billion through its Adelaide casino. A SA government review into whether it should hold a licence is on hold, but the company last week appointed Kroll Australia as an independent expert to review its anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing programs.

The company reported a net profit of $NZ8 million for the 12 months to June 30. Revenue from gaming rose 44 per cent, while non-gaming revenue increased 59 per cent to $NZ207.4 million. The result was impacted by an EBIT loss of $94.1 million at the company’s Adelaide casino.


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